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Audio Einführung / Audio Vertiefung
Course Goal
- Understanding of basic acoustic principles as well as analogue and digital signal processing.
- Music production theory and methods using current computer-based audio production tools.
- Working and shaping audio with standard audio applications (Ableton Live, Steinberg Cubase, Avid Pro-Tools).
The lecture will be held by Michele Gaggia in English language.
Lecture Topics (winter semester)
- Acoustics Basics
- Digital Recording
- Microphones
- Rhythm, Beat & Drum Pattern
- Audio Effects I
- Recapitulation and written theory exam
Lecture Topics (summer semester)
- Musical Form
- Basic Principles of Composition
- Acoustic Basics and Digital Recording II
- Microphones and Recording Techniques II
- Audio Effects II
- Audio Effects III
- Recapitulation and written theory exam
Lecture Handouts (winter and summer semester)
- Acoustics Basics and Digital Recording - Michele Gaggia (PDF download, updated 25.03.2020)
- Formats - Drivers - Plugins - Michele Gaggia (PDF downlaod, updated 29.01.2017)
- Microphones and Recording Techniques - Michele Gaggia (PDF download, updated 29.01.2017)
- Audio Effects - Michele Gaggia (PDF download, updated 29.01.2017)
- Rhythm, Beat, Drum Pattern - Michele Gaggia (PDF download)
- Musical Form - Michele Gaggia (PDF download)
- Basic Principles Of Composition - Michele Gaggia (PDF download)
Additional Information
- Acoustic and Vibration Animations - Dan Russel
- Musical Acoustics - Links - University of South Wales, Australia
- Loudness Levels on Streaming Platforms - masteringthemix.com
The workshop will be held by Johannes Wagner in German language.
Workshop Topics (winter semester)
- Basic Audio Setup: microphone, mixer, sound card, computer, software
- Introduction to Ableton Live: overview of the audio, MIDI and DSP functions, audio import, basic editing (cut, paste, fade in/out, crossfade)
- Hardware and Software Mixer Basic Functions (Input Mic/Line, Channel, EQ, Pan, FX Send/Return, Headphone + Main Out)
- Stereo and Multitrack Recording Setups; MIDI Editors (Key-Editor, Drum-Editor, Notation)
- Setting up Insert and Send Effects; Effect Groups (EQ, Dynamics, Modulation, Reverb/Delay)
- Presentation of the end-of-semester projects. Feedback and discussion.
Workshop Topics (summer semester)
- Erweiterte Mischpultfunktionen und Ansichten
- Signal-Flow, Groups-Tracks, FX-Tracks, Inserts, Sends
- Effekte: EQs und Filter, Dynamics
- Effekte: Modulation, Reverb, Delay
- Instrument-Tracks, MIDI Editors, Piano-Roll
- Sample Editor, Audiobearbeitungsfunktionen
- Presentation of the end-of-semester projects. Feedback and discussion.
Recommended Literature
- Henle, Hubert (2001) Das Tonstudio Handbuch.
GC Carstensen Verlag: München. ISBN 3910098193 Amazon - Ergyn, Erol (2007) Cubase SX/SL in der Praxis. Die neue Generation der MIDI/Audio- Musikproduktion.
PPV-Medien: Bergkirchen ISBN 3932275934 Amazon - Hömberg, Martin (2002) Recording Basics - Aufnahmepraxis auf den Punkt gebracht.
PPV-Medien: Bergkirchen ISBN 3932275217 Amazon - Bremm, Peter (2004) Das digitale Tonstudio - Praktische Hilfe zur digitale Tonstudiotechnik.
PPV-Medien: Bergkirchen ISBN 3932275721 Amazon
- Keyboards - http://www.keyboards.de
- Production Partner - http://www.production-partner.de
- c't (Magazin für Computertechnik) - http://www.heise.de/ct
- Computer Music - http://www.computermusic.co.uk