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CD Cover & Booklet
CD Cover Artwork | Booklet Layout & Design
A very important aspect in a CD or DVD production is the visual impact: a well designed CD cover must match the style and mood of the music; the title and artist text must be well readable; the graphic artwork must look attractive, be easily identifiable, and stand out among the mass of CD offers available today.
XenoStyle, our professional graphic studio, can create the cover artwork for your CD or DVD package, as well as the layout and design of the CD booklet, inlay card and disk label.
Web Design | CI & Logo
Web Design
XenoStyle is a professional web design and graphic studio and was estabilished by Michele Gaggia in 2000. Our team includes specialists in web design, print, photography and programming to deliver you a fully customized, top-quality product. The combination of efficient work flow and the latest design and programming tools allow us to offer our services at very reasonable prices.
XenoStyle websites are based on modern Content Management Systems (can be easily managed by the client) and will display correctly on all current browsers and platforms, including tablets and smartphones.
We create websites for musicians and bands, supporting music/video streaming and providing integration with music portals (such as Bandcamp) and online webstore solutions (iTunes, Amazon). We also worked for several instruction institutions, including LIA – Lab Inter Arts, Intermediale Künstlerische Bildung, Mozarteum Medialab, etc.