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AIKON Media & Technology 2012
View of AIKON Studio A, a movie mixing stage completely designed and planned by Digital Natural Sound | Photos © 2012 Luigi Caputo
AIKON Media & Technology 2012
In 2012 we completed working on the new AIKON Media & Technology studios, a full service postproduction facility located in Grödig (near Salzburg, AT). The studio complex includes:
- Studio A, a state-of-the-art surround movie mixing stage (7.1)
- Studio B, a smaller cutting/mixing room (5.1)
- a common machine room
- a sound-lock that connects all rooms
Among the technical specifications:
- 84 dB RW insulation between Studio A and Studio B
- 89 dB RW insulation between the studio rooms and outside
- 7.1 surround active monitoring system based on Neumann O 410 (L-C-R), KH 870 (subs) and KH 120 A (surround arrays)
- flat frequency response (within +/- 2 dB) across the complete frequency range (post EQ) up to 110 dB SPL
- flat RT 60 reverberation time (about 250 ms) across the frequency range
- AVID D-Command Console installed in a Argosy Mirage desk furniture
- AVID ProTools HD3, PT9 & PT10 Workstations
Digital Natural Sound took care of the complete acoustic planning and room design, as well as supervising the ongoing construction. The services included: initial sketches, detailed CAD plans, 3D visualization, materialization and lighting; design of custom acoustic elements (reflectors, absorbers, diffusors); consulting for the HVAC, electrical and lighting systems; choice of acoustic doors, window systems and acoustic materials; planning and installation of the 7.1 Neumann surround speaker system; accurate audio measurements of the room acoustic performance and speaker DSP optimization.
The final acoustic performance is simply astounding, delivering a listening and viewing experience of unique detail and accuracy while working in a relaxed and modern mixing environment.
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Aikon Studios Gallery
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Aikon MT 2012 | Completed Studios & Final Technical Specs
Views of the completed AIKON studios and the final technical specifications | Photos © 2012 Luigi Caputo | © 2011-2012 Michele Gaggia
Aikon MT 2012 | 3D CAD Views
3D CAD visualizations of AIKON Studio A and Studio B, aerial studio facility view | © 2011-2012 Michele Gaggia